A review by lovewitch
Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk


'I wanted to destroy something beautiful.'


Is this book a masterpiece?no.Do i love it?fuck yeah.Btw i only read this once and i have no idea why i felt like writing a review today.let's hope i remember stuff.
The story is about a fucking insomniac dude who meets a sociopath and decide to start punching each other and later start a soap making cult.
These poor men just wanted to feel alive again.their repetitive and meaningless lives made them bored to death. 'Our culture has made us all the same.....We all want the same. Individually, we are nothing.' .Tyler wanted to destroy society and enslave everyone so he can help them be free and become Real Men again AND because he is insane(let's be real here). 'Only after disaster can we be resurrected' . the reason these dumbasses joined him was because they wanted their life to have some purpose.