A review by larsvermeulen
The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince by Robin Hobb


I read this book after finishing the 3rd trilogy of Realm of the Elderlings.

While reading I found myself getting kinda tired of the constant need of the narrator to emphasize how she was telling the truth, and how virtuous her son was as a truthsaying minstrel. My first thought was to give this book 3 stars because of this.

I reconsidered when I read the clever ending.
Also, when I had a little more time to reflect on the story after reading, I placed more emphasis on the fact that this "scroll" was hidden in the Buckkeep library. Which made me feel like I was Chade or Fitz "finding" it and discovering a hidden piece of truth about the Farseer line through the eyes of a random wet nurse. Which made me see it in a new (and much more exciting) light.