A review by liisp_cvr2cvr
Moon of the Crusted Snow by Waubgeshig Rice


I am quite sure this was my first indigenous author. Yep. And it didn’t disappoint. There are some of those elements we expect through knowing a little about First Nations, Native Americans and other indigenous people in America, Canada and globally… There were the scenes that take your breath away as you experience through beautifully written manner the ways and traditions of hunting, learning through storytelling… but, perhaps there wasn’t nearly enough.

If I would have read the book alone, I would have said that it’s a great story. It’s engaging and scary and so, so ominous. The first few chapters of the book were simply marvellous. The scene setting, the hunting of the moose, the offering, the snow and cold, the preparing for the winter ahead- it was an atmosphere I wanted to step into. A remote and simple yet difficult life, connected to nature.

It was when shit started to go sideways in the post-apocalyptic way that the questions started to pile up. Questions are only natural – why and what happened and how… The fact this was a buddy read, made me think along quite a bit more. LaLa and Greg noticed things and raised questions that I would have skimmed over myself. I’m more of a go with the flow, don’t ask too many questions type of reader, apparently! But once something is asked, it can’t be unasked and you’re left wondering, why, indeed?! And why didn’t I think of it myself?