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A review by lynseyisreading
Elysian Fields by Suzanne Johnson
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Elysian Fields Forever
Book three in the Sentinels of New Orleans series is by far the most blood-soaked story thus far, so naturally it would be my favourite, right? Featuring an axe-wielding serial killer, no less. One whose crimes are getting disconcertingly closer to DJ's neck of the woods. Coincidence? Yeah, she wishes. And so once again our favourite female wizard is in the centre of a shitstorm of epic proportions, and if only that were the worst of her problems!
Oh, I loved this one. Here is a book that's not only a satisfying read in its own right, but also plants seed after seed of future intrigue as Johnson introduces her Long Game. And I have to say, judging by this book, I simply cannot wait to see where she's planning to take us next!
As well as dealing with the Axeman of New Orleans in his undead but frighteningly corporeal form, DJ has some very interesting personal issues to address in Elysian Fields. Some good, some not so good, and some that she's just been plain avoiding for far too long. There was also a lot more emphasis made here on the elves this time around. They've been somewhat in the background up until now, wanting little to do with the rest of supernatural kind, but when they step out of the shadows they sure do it in style! And with some humongous repercussions for DJ, I might add. Not happy with her bond with Charlie, the elven staff, they make their feelings known in true elven tradition: trickery, sneak tactics, and mind games.
Dealing with the elves proves a challenge for DJ. I've mentioned before that she's quite forthright - no wallflower is our Dru - but this poses a problem among the elves who, as a race with a very healthy superiority complex, see her as little more than a mongrel mutt. While not the most violent of the races as a general rule, that doesn't mean their methods of getting their way are a walk in the park. Mental torture being just as effective as the physical kind. Yes, our girl is put though the wringer in this one alright. She may never be quite the same again...
As well as all that, there's another gigantic development. I wish I could tell you what it was, seriously I do. It's a plot twist worthy of the only best UF writers. Not necessarily something you wanted to happen ( like, not at all), and yet you'll be d y i n g to see how it all pans out. You've been warned!
On a slightly more frivolous note, this pesky serial killer malarky doesn't stop DJ from finding time for some romance in Elysian Fields. Nuh, uh. And what a fine hunk of man she picks for her playmate! I bet you want to know who it is, don't you? Hee hee! I'm not telling, but I'm happy. Take from that what you will :)
To sum up, this was yet another great read in a series shaping up to be one of the high flyers of its genre. Absorbing from page one, I couldn't have asked for more.
5 Stars ★★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
You might also like to read my reviews for the first two books in the series below:

Elysian Fields Forever
Book three in the Sentinels of New Orleans series is by far the most blood-soaked story thus far, so naturally it would be my favourite, right? Featuring an axe-wielding serial killer, no less. One whose crimes are getting disconcertingly closer to DJ's neck of the woods. Coincidence? Yeah, she wishes. And so once again our favourite female wizard is in the centre of a shitstorm of epic proportions, and if only that were the worst of her problems!
Oh, I loved this one. Here is a book that's not only a satisfying read in its own right, but also plants seed after seed of future intrigue as Johnson introduces her Long Game. And I have to say, judging by this book, I simply cannot wait to see where she's planning to take us next!
As well as dealing with the Axeman of New Orleans in his undead but frighteningly corporeal form, DJ has some very interesting personal issues to address in Elysian Fields. Some good, some not so good, and some that she's just been plain avoiding for far too long. There was also a lot more emphasis made here on the elves this time around. They've been somewhat in the background up until now, wanting little to do with the rest of supernatural kind, but when they step out of the shadows they sure do it in style! And with some humongous repercussions for DJ, I might add. Not happy with her bond with Charlie, the elven staff, they make their feelings known in true elven tradition: trickery, sneak tactics, and mind games.
Dealing with the elves proves a challenge for DJ. I've mentioned before that she's quite forthright - no wallflower is our Dru - but this poses a problem among the elves who, as a race with a very healthy superiority complex, see her as little more than a mongrel mutt. While not the most violent of the races as a general rule, that doesn't mean their methods of getting their way are a walk in the park. Mental torture being just as effective as the physical kind. Yes, our girl is put though the wringer in this one alright. She may never be quite the same again...
As well as all that, there's another gigantic development. I wish I could tell you what it was, seriously I do. It's a plot twist worthy of the only best UF writers. Not necessarily something you wanted to happen ( like, not at all), and yet you'll be d y i n g to see how it all pans out. You've been warned!
On a slightly more frivolous note, this pesky serial killer malarky doesn't stop DJ from finding time for some romance in Elysian Fields. Nuh, uh. And what a fine hunk of man she picks for her playmate! I bet you want to know who it is, don't you? Hee hee! I'm not telling, but I'm happy. Take from that what you will :)
To sum up, this was yet another great read in a series shaping up to be one of the high flyers of its genre. Absorbing from page one, I couldn't have asked for more.
5 Stars ★★★★★
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
You might also like to read my reviews for the first two books in the series below: