A review by marimariot7
Out of the Ashes by L.A. Casey


I usually like L.A. Casey's writing, but in this case: wtf? The number of times she repeated the words, "hummed" and "hmmmm" is ridiculous.
Even the sex scenes were underwhelming.
The amount of sexism excused as "but this makes me feel safe" or "but it is better then the Earth I knew" is too damn high. No, no, no missy!
I just can't with this book. I really don't know how I finished reading this.
The last great hurdle was so annoying". The "excuse" for it to happen was so idiotic I wanted to throw my Kindle out the window. The execution of said final problem was even worse. A two year old wouldn't fall for that crap. And the resolution of the problem.... aaaaargh.
The entire book was bad, but the last third of it was a special case of bad.
I'll will give another change for the next in the series, just because this is (supposedly) a scifi romance novel series. But if the second one doesn't blow my mind, that's it. I'll be done with this series, ffs.