A review by jasmyn9
Wings of Nestor by Devri Walls


Wings of Nestor, the third book the Solus series, is another absolutely amazing installment. We travel all over the world and see so much I sometimes feel as if I've read more than one book. Don't get me wrong, it's not so packed that it's too much - it's just the right amount. Things move at the perfect pace to make the book fly by and still allow so much to happen that I don't even know where to begin.

Alcander and Emane change by leaps and bounds and really start to emerge as main characters in the own right. It's rumored they may not even hate each other anymore. Both will do anything they can to support Kiora, but hey wonder what will happen if she doesn't follow her destined path.

Kiora is continuing to grow in her powers and winning over new allies in her battle against the Shadow, but she beginning to fight her destiny. She wants to find a way to defeat the Shadow without a battle that would cost thousands of lives. This changes her course and she discovers new places long thought destroyed by time and returns to her home of Meros to bring a small part of the story full circle (it was a major Ohhhhh so that's what that was for moment - I love those). She discovers that every action has a consequence. Some absolutely horrible (I cried - really - I cried) and some so amazing I wanted to jump up and down (I restrained from scaring my family).

Any series that can bring such a emotional reaction to its characters is one that is sure to be a great series. One that can pull this off three books in a row, well that's one that will never leave my bookshelf because I know I will want to read it again and again.
- See more at: http://hotofftheshelves.blogspot.com/#sthash.WsxG9LCw.dpuf