A review by 7sofia7
Echo by A. Zavarelli

Did not finish book. Stopped at 24%.
In the prologue, where the fmc meets the mmc, she's 16 and he's a man (8 years difference). I was very hesitant to keep reading. Luckily the first chapter starts with a 5 years jump. 

The writing is engaging and the plot moves quickly, even too quickly. Their second meeting is very unrealistic and it reads like a romance written in the mid 20'10s, as it was. The romance genere has changed since then but if you read romances then it will still be fun (if you haven't and if you aren't a teen I wouldn't recommend it though) I would categorize it as new adult, the fmc felt very young. Oh, she is obveausly a virgin. The mmc was written just like a huge romance archetype, and how he acted in the workplace setting was not attractive to me.

The plot, blackmail/selling themselves to an owner for six months (but it read just like a sexy dark romance, not captivity. And she had been lusting after him for years), read as immature to me because I have outgrown this trope. All to say: five years ago I would have eaten this book up but nowadays it was just cringey to me. 

DNFing it at chapter 8