A review by isabelthearcher
Never Fade by Alexandra Bracken


Ahh such a satisfying sequel, which developed the plot and the world so well. I felt fully immersed in the characters, I feel like they are my best friends now! This book made me laugh out loud and almost shed a tear - please! read the darkest minds trilogy!

The Children’s League: ok well it's a bit of a s***hole. Not sure what I was expecting, however I think Ruby disliking it so much made sense, but I was still like hello? They saved your life? I think whenever characters find a utopia in dystopias it is always made out to be literal heaven, the Darkest Minds books find a good balance between the good and bad parts of a refuge.

We spent enough time in the League for the politics of that organisation to be exposed and also for there to be exploration into the Federal coalition and Gray. However not enough time for Ruby to fully understand the consequences of Rob’s rebellion towards Alban. The balance worked perfectly as throughout the novel thoughts would drift back to the League and there was enough mystery to keep the plot developing outside of HQ.

Let's talk about Cole. It was such a twist that he was the prisoner that the book opens up with as Ruby/Vida are in an OP trying to save him. Throughout the start of the plot/flash drive I kept realising how convenient that the only prisoner Alban would ever save was Cole but this is revealed at the very end of the book - again Bracken is a genius when it comes to withholding information. Cole has a few mannerisms like Liam, however they’re not obvious until Ruby makes comparisons in her mind. I loved the shower scene! It was so funny and stereotypical ‘spying, they’re listening to us’ but it was fantastic! Best bit hands down though is at the very end when we find out he’s a red !!!! Ahh that was such an interesting reveal and made even more sense to why the League would rescue him. Furthermore the comparisons between the Reds that we have seen so far in the series. The ones who blew up the East River, with no mercy and Mason who was so mentally damaged. Every other colour has been explored, except for Red - so this is a very interesting plot point, not just how it’s Cole’s secret. In the last few chapters as HQ blows up, Cole’s true character is really shown. He can be a strong leader, who kids can trust however unlike Rob and other PSI agents he cares for people. He lets Chubs and Liam go down to search, waiting for them for an extra hour. Even though there is not too much Cole content in Never Fade, I think his character was excellently written.

Vida is the baddest b, I could not stand her for most of the book especially when she jumps Jude and Ruby in the train station but she had so many layers to her. She cares for Cate so deeply and vividly, to see Cate as this motherlike figure is so comforting to these kids. At first she was weary of Ruby, but they came to an understanding about the League, surviving and having bigger motivations than just fighting. Her and Chubs are also the humour relief of this book.

Jude, I am heartbroken. The purest character who Ruby felt it was her duty to protect. He reminded me of a little brother, needing to be reassured at every event. Yet, as soon as he started to come into himself, taking control he DIED. Ruby’s reaction and Vida’s and his broken compass that they found. I will never forgive Bracken for doing this. My trust is gone, my heart is gone. #JudeDeservesBetter

Chubs!! He’s alive!! It was very very convenient when they slide up to Liam’s house and Chubs is like hey hey hey. But the embrace they had whilst Ruby was crying and hugging him.. My heart !!! I loved the plot points of Chubs being kept away and transferred to a different hospital to see his parents. His parents hiding him played a very small role in the first book and it was great to see this explored. He describes being kept in a barn and getting food twice a day. As he’s explaining you can read through the lines of the sadness he felt. All these kids just wanted to go home and be normal, but could they ever do that again? Chub’s story shows how maybe all these kids can’t just end I.A.A.N and carry on with their lives, it will scar these parents and children. Chub’s character development was just so. So. good. I was blown awayyyy. He tells them how he survived and was acting like a Slip Tracer but the only way to register himself was to capture a kid. He found a small kid, around 11, bone thin stealing from a vending machine in the middle of the day. He justifies himself by saying at least he will have food and a bed, but the emotion and the pain in which that comes across really hit me. He is so empathetic towards other kids and it makes me so emosh.

In my Darkest Mind’s review I put how I was confused as to how they would remedy Ruby wiping all of Liam’s memories. I love Ruby, but I didn’t want to read a book with only her character. BUT! This conclucion/solution what you want to call it made so much logical sense and I’m so happy with the way it turned out. We first see Liam in Knox’s blue tribe, as he’s slowly dying from pneumonia - I was so scared he was gonna die ahhh. Obviously he has no clue as to this girl and in those scenes Ruby is so conflicted between her guilt and her feelings for Liam. When Ruby is taken away by Rob, stabbed and the others rescue her. Liam is shown to be shouting, asking if she is ok. When he takes off early in the morning to a gas station, Ruby runs to find him and protect him. It is then revealed that Liam’s memories of Ruby were taken away but not his feelings. Liam is terrified that he feels so much care for a stranger, but seems to remember her in a green dress on a beach… the story they told each other before Ruby wiped his memories of her. They then kiss, which was very satisfying but then Ruby touches him !!! and he gets his memories back !!! Convenient… but it has a high bar of consequences for Ruby and the interactions with all of them were fantastic. The tension !!

Ruby, what a character! She had so much development, but I think the stand out point was when she was in the car with Rob. She was in the boot, tied up and bound however with the use of her powers managed to get into Rob’s head. She overwhelmed him with images of what he had done to those kids (back in the start of the first book) and all the terror he caused. This caused Rob to swerve and it was the combination of Ruby’s meddling in his head, his awful driving as a result and Chub (and the gang) saving Ruby that caused Rob to die. She grapples with this… he killed other people, he had bad morals, I had to protect myself. Her power that she was afraid of for so long was used to kill someone she hated, yet initially she feels so bad. The realisation that she is in control of people’s minds. It’s such an interesting discussion of ethics and fighting for survival, I loved how it was a key point in her character.

Overall again I loved this book. One of the most satisfying, exciting and fast paced sequels I have ever read. Same rating as the original, that's extra good. I loved, loved this book :)