A review by vanmeers
The Book of X by Sarah Rose Etter


a surreal and unique take on conformity and the deadly pressure of trying to fit into the roles that society pressures you into through a lens of magical realism. 

the book of x explores the pressure of looking a certain way, changing and still not feeling whole, the disconnection between you and others, and the deep grief from loss. 

it’s such a bleak story and i felt so strongly for cassie and wished she didn’t have to go through a tough life like she did — it felt too raw and real, despite it being a surreal story of literally rivers of thighs, meat farms and knotted stomachs. 

it’s obviously full of metaphors and everything in it can be assigned to real life scenarios. which is why it feels so hard hitting at several moments. it’s definitely a boon worth reading more than once and i can’t wait to finally get started on ripe after this! what a storyteller! 

// ARC courtesy of verve books and netgalley.