A review by shellballenger
Games and Rituals: Stories by Katherine Heiny


Type of read: Commuter Read.

What made me pick it up: One of the prompts for the Tennessee R.E.A.D.S. challenge for November is to read a book published this year. I liked the idea of a collection of stories and something about the cover art caught my attention with the imagery and title.

Overall rating: There is something beautifully mundane about 'Game and Rituals.' It's the intrusive thoughts that go through all of our minds when we have too much time on our hands and too much anxiety that goes unchecked for juuuuuust a little too long. I enjoyed the basicness of this book and while I'm not sure I'd recommend it (I feel like it's just a different style of book that would be a hard sell) I'm happy that I read it. 'Games and Rituals' offered a good brain break from some of the more heavy-hitting, emotional, and intricate books I've recently read.

Reader's Note: There are some sexual themes throughout the stories in 'Games and Rituals' but nothing overly graphic.