A review by mizzmarie
Skyshade by Alex Aster


First thank you so much to NetGalley for the chance to listen to this Audiobook in Advance.

This book was everything I could have wanted for a third book in this series I was I think under the same impression most of us were that this was going to be a trilogy but I am not upset to know that we get more time in this world and with these characters! I feel like the Narrator of this book did a wonderful job at portraying the emotions and scenes throughout the story so that we as the listeners could be entranced in the story rather than easily distracted. Now about this book, since it is the 3rd in a series I will just say that I feel Alex Aster did a great job of giving us a great balance between the growth of the Relationships growing as well as making sure the plot was moving forward everything had a purpose nothing felt over-explained or drawn out or tossed in just to make the story drag on and I love that in her writing. After so long of waiting, I am happy to have read this book but am now anxiously waiting for the next!!!!