A review by veronicafrance
Fear the Worst by Linwood Barclay


This started out well. I like the way Linwood Barclay takes ordinary people (a car salesman in this case) and puts them in extraordinary situations. His characters' actions and motivations are mostly believable, he's very good at dialogue, and there is plenty of wit as well as drama. The theme is handled well and guaranteed to give shivers to any parent. I liked the way the relationships between Tim, his ex-wife, and his wife's new partner were handled. He throws in plenty of loose ends and false trails to keep you guessing. And I even quite enjoyed Tim's obsession with cars -- I think I know every make and model of car in the US now!

So I enjoyed this book until the last few chapters when it really started getting out of control. From just an ordinary guy, Tim is transformed into some kind of action super-hero, leaving a trail of dead bodies in his wake. And then the book just stops, leaving you wondering how Bob, Sydney, and Tim are going to explain themselves to the police. They should keep the criminal justice system busy for a few years. It could have been a bit shorter too, and the sub-plot with Patty was just too contrived and unnecessary. Despite its gaping plot holes, I thought [b:No Time for Goodbye|1225261|No Time for Goodbye|Linwood Barclay|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1182031065s/1225261.jpg|2906898] was better.