A review by grrr8_catsby
A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab


A Gathering Of Shadows is the lethargic younger brother of A Darker Shade of Magic, and serves as the second (and penultimate) entry into the Shades Of Magic series.

Pace is slowed considerably down, as this book feels as if it exists solely to set up the finale. In fact, it takes several HUNDRED pages for any significant plot to unfold; instead, we are treated to in-depth detail as to how miserable the characters have been since the events of the previous book.

One of the most endearing aspects of A Darker Shade Of Magic were the interactions between the protagonists; dialogue felt witty, genuine, and charming. This element is just....gone, and characters such as Kell and Lila prove that they work best as an ensemble, rather than on their own.

There is still a lot to enjoy about A Gathering Of Shadows. The depictions of battle in the Essen Tasch magic tournament are fascinating and thrilling, and help to paint a picture of the true magic of Red London. The book breathes a silent lesson of consequence and trauma, which help give the events of the previous book more weight and meaning.

It does have to be addressed - the book ends on a cliffhanger. This is perhaps one of my least favorite tricks across all forms of media. If the book (or movie, or television show) is quality enough, fans will be logically be drawn to the next entry in the series. It cheapens the experience, insults the consumer, and insinuates that the book cannot stand on its own.

A Gathering Of Shadows was by no means a bad read - it just did not reach the same heights as its predecessor.