A review by robsfavoriteaudiobooks
Bringing Up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting by Pamela Druckerman


“In the French view I’m doing Bean no service by catering to her whims. French experts and parents believe that hearing ‘no’ rescues children from the tyranny of their own desires.”

This book is an incredible look at French parenting techniques and how they compare to what Druckerman views as an American tendency to over-parent. The books showcases some great concepts like “the pause” as an early alternative to sleep training or “the magic words of bonjour and au revoir.” Some of these are helpfully applicable anywhere but Druckerman has a lot of humility for the fact that so much of French parenting culture is made possible by their robust social services and because teachers, daycare workers, and the chefs who work there are all viciously well-trained and well-paid. She also makes it clear that France does not magically have it all figured out. A constant refrain in the book was “The French take for granted that…” and Druckerman is quick to point out that public policy and private views there are in many ways less egalitarian than the US. From every angle this is an impressive book and great reading for any parent, soon to be parent, or someone who simply likes France.