A review by scoops_stories
The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k by Sarah Knight


I read this over the new year lying by the pool, lying on my floaty watermelon, lying in the bath and lying on the hardwood floor (this is something Sarah Knight recommends). I enjoyed every laugh out loud, cheeky page and never knew there were so many ways to incorporate the word fuck. Sarah gives very relatable advice and encourages all of us to make a ‘fuck budget’ and give out our fucks accordingly – depending on whether they pertain to Things, Strangers, Work, Friends and Family.

You’ll walk away from this book caring less about telemarketers and your friend’s homemade peanut butter business and caring more that your time, energy and money are saved for the more important things in life – yourself and your happiness.

This is the perfect book for New Year, New You.