A review by redlipstickandreading
How My Neighbor Stole Christmas by Meghan Quinn


So after two holiday novellas didn't go well I went for a full Christmas novel. I've seen this one everywhere, so I went for it. This is a Grinch That Stole Christmas "retelling". I put retelling in quotes because it's more of a set up and some wink wink nudge nudge references in the novel. And all I have to say is this one stink, stank, stunk.

I could not get into it and found all the characters incredibly annoying. The conflict between the two main characters could have been solved by literally either of them being a mildly mature adult and communicating. I also didn't like the narrator breaking the fourth wall with the MMC. This book felt like a silly Christmas movie that took itself wayyy to seriously. Also the candy can??? That's how you get a yeast infection.