A review by momwithareadingproblem
The Cursed by Laura Thalassa


The Cursed by [a:Laura Thalassa|7152490|Laura Thalassa|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1372456585p2/7152490.jpg] is book three of The Unearthly series and picks up a few months after the events of book two. It's now Christmas Break and Gabrielle, though sad her friends are leaving is looking forward to a few days of rest. Her vacation is cut short though by the Politia when they call her and Caleb in to go investigate a ritualistic murder in Romania. Angels are being killed and drained of blood on alters reminiscent to the killings that occurred around Samhain two months prior. Andre de Leon is also in Romania facing trial for the massacre at Bishopcourt that occurred during the first book. He has done his best to keep Gabrielle away from the trial but now with her in the same city, she faces the wrath of the elder vampires.

I just want to take a moment and say how much I love Gabrielle and Andre, the plot, and of course the bad guys! This author knows what she is doing!!!!

Gabrielle is just as spunky and independent as she is in the first two books of this series. In this installment, you get a chance to see Gabrielle come more into her powers as both a Siren and vampire. And she is a little scary as a Siren, in fact I think she scares herself! Andre is the gorgeous, bad boy vampire that he always is. I love the few times the author tells the story from his POV and you will get a couple of those towards the end of this installment, and I will admit he made me tear up just a little bit.

The plot of this story is really intense and full of action/suspense. The angelic murders bring Gabrielle and Caleb to Romania, something that Andre is not happy about. But the murders go deeper into the main plot of the series, which brings me to the man in the suit, or otherwise known as the Devil. I don't know how many times I can say this before I annoy someone, but I love this villain. He is awesome and scary and intriguing and.....I could just keep going forever so I'll stop there, but you get the picture ;) One key plot for this book as well as the series in whole is the author finally reveals why the devil believes Gabrielle is his consort :::squealing:::

Sorry, you will have to read the book to find out why but it's a twist that I did not see coming and absolutely love!!!! So of course, if you have read books one and two you will definitely want to pick up this one and you should be forewarned that it does end in a cliffhanger.

Overall, if you enjoyed the first of the series you will love this addition! If you haven't read the series yet, I highly suggest you check out books one and two first. If you enjoy fantasy, mythological creatures, a little paranormal romance, then I believe you will enjoy this book.