A review by eantoinette285
November 9 by Colleen Hoover


Out of all of Colleen's books I've encountered so far. This one was my favorite. It absolutely shredded my heart.

I'm not going to go crazy with any sort of plot synopsis or spoilers because you need to approach this book on your own and without any sort of surprises from me.

The only (minor) things I had trouble getting on board with were Ben's thoughts and emotions when it came to Fallon. The end explains it all, but for a good chunk of this book, I thought he was too good to be true. Also, the plot twist. I enjoyed how it was all connected, but I wasn't sure I wanted it to go the way it did.

Still, the story was awesome and completely held my attention beginning-to-end. I don't cry very often at books, but in parts of this story, I got a little teary. The emotional journey was amazing and I'm kind of sad I read it so quickly.