A review by kortnireads
Do You Dream of Terra-Two? by Temi Oh


Honestly...pretty disappointed with this book :(

I had this pegged as a potential five star read and it really fell flat for what I had expected.

Originally rated this three stars, but honestly moving it down to 2.5 now that I am writing the review.

I thought for how long this book was it would span a lot more time. We only really spend maybe 1.5-2 years with our crew and a solid bit of the book is spent leading up to the launch of the ship that will take them to Terra-Two. I think the pacing suffered for it and we spent too much time on things that really didn't need to be addressed. I was a lot more interested in the long-term than I was the short-term, day to day ship life we were given.

Maybe I would have been more invested in the day to day ship life, but every plot point in this story had me questioning not just the science but the logistics of it all. I know when reading fiction, especially sci-fi, one must suspend their disbelief in some ways. But I found that to be nearly impossible for this book. None of the decisions made by the higher-ups made any sense at all, the adult team of astronauts seemed to barely even be present in the story to provide any oversight...one of the younger crew members decides to stay in bed for weeks without attending to any her duties? And we just let this continue on for weeks?? I just don't think that is realistic. That's just one example, but things just didn't add up to me...often.

I did enjoy the overall concept of this book, but the execution fell flat and ended up feeling pretty monotonous by the end.