A review by sycokittykat
Of Sky & Embers by Claire Butler


Forging a better future

"Life was a divine tapestry of infinite threads. Each fiber a person, a choice, a moment, a memory. A collection of endless possibilities, experiences, and alternative endings. As each thread intertwined, the story would shift, shaping one’s identity and defining the purpose of the design. With each stitch, the pattern would evolve through joy and sorrows, love and loss."

This book was intense. There were so many twists and turns that I was often surprised by what was going to happen. 

I love this little rag tag round family. Each person brings something and they all care about each other and where the country is headed. 

After getting through the desert we find ourselves at the summit where we are surprised once again by the turn of events. Each of these characters is willing to sacrifice themselves for the good of their new family and the country. 

I didn't see the way that ended coming. I mean I knew parts of it but there were definitely some surprises. 

I will definitely keep reading books by this author.