A review by tinamama
Nightbirds by Kate J. Armstrong


Exciting and emotional read! These kinds of books always evoke so much anger in me…the misogyny, the abuse…so much to be pissed about…The religious zealously is intrinsically linked to the misogyny and this is so real in so many cultures in the real world…not just in the past but even today. It brings the story close to home.

This book does a neat twist to the witch hunts of the world’s past in making the magic actually real. And the extra twist of the secret group of women (“Firebirds”) whose magic is both treasured and manipulated, even by those they trust. You cannot help but root the girls on when they (inevitably) fight back!

I always love stories that contain elemental magic (earth, air, water, fire…), and the addition of combining of powers for a true sisterhood connection is one of my favorite parts of this story!

I also loved how many really good men there are in this story…making it not feel like a women against men scenario, but putting the real emphasis on a culture of harm created by the the church.

I am SO looking forward to the next book in this series, due out in 2024!!

One last thing: For those like me that would want to know: This book, thankfully, did NOT contain any graphic scenes of women/girls being raped…though no doubt a misogynistic culture like this would realistically contain plenty of it…Thankfully, it was not detailed or even discussed. I loathe books that always have to contain sexual assault in graphic details. So thankful to the author for not including anything like this.