A review by cameronius
The Year of Dreaming Dangerously by Slavoj Žižek


Another thought-provoking volume from the most dangerous philosopher in the West. The theme of this compilation of essays appears to be an examination of significant sociopolitical events in 2011, such as Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring. As is his wont, Zizek expertly triangulates these events with Lacanian, Hegelian and Marxist analysis. And while he is in fine form directing his bouncing, incisive prose effortlessly from the Lion King to Hegelian relativism, his commentary in these essays seems more impassioned and less focused than his other recent works. Nonetheless, Zizek's critical indictments of the market economy and global capitalism are nothing short of breathtaking. Luckily, this collection contains enough of those moments to warrant a serious read.