A review by booksonmain301
Hearts on a String by Kris Radish


After reading "The Elegant Gathering of White Snows", I was looking for another book about female friendship (making up for in books what I lack in real life). I struggled through the 1st three-quarters of this book, but some crazy twists that I didn't see coming livened up the ending.

I'm glad I finished it because it was really in the ending that I found the parts that make me enjoy Kris Radish's work; the printed word version of feelings I've been having as a woman, a mother, a professional, and a wife. I look to Kris to reassure me that what my heart feels isn't outlandish or crazy or stupid and so far, she hasn't disappointed.

So all in all, I enjoyed the story but wish it had moved a bit quicker or maybe with a bit more organization in the beginning.