A review by geroescribe
Out There Screaming by Jordan Peele, John Joseph Adams


Es difícil reseñar una antología porque a través de cada cuento existe una opinión distinta. De los 19 cuentos que la componen, solo 5 me encantaron porque sentía que cumplían con los elementos que requieren una buena historia de horror. 

El resto de las historias no me impactaron o lograron sobresalir de alguna forma. Al editor ser Jordan Peele, pensé que leería de alguna forma su estilo a través de la narrativa de otros. Y no está mal que cada autor tuviera su propia libertad creativa, al contrario.

No quito mérito a que existió mucha crítica social en relación a la comunidad negra y las realidades que viven y vivieron, pero no todos supieron atarlo al horror de una forma que me hiciera sentir miedo o, al menos, la sensación de una historia descabellada.


It is difficult to review an anthology because through each story there is a different opinion. Of the 19 stories that make up it, I loved only 5 because I felt that they met the elements that a good horror story requires.

The rest of the stories didn't impact me or manage to stand out in any way. With the editor being Jordan Peele, I thought I would somehow read his style through the narrative of others. And it is not bad that each author had his own creative freedom, on the contrary.

I do not detract from the fact that there was a lot of social criticism in relation to the black community and the realities that they live and lived, but not everyone knew how to tie it to horror in a way that made me feel fear or, at least, the sensation of a crazy story.



- Eye & Tooth
- The Other One
- The Aesthete
- Flicker
- Your Happy Place