A review by mrdavid205
Do the Birds Still Sing in Hell? by Horace Greasley


This was one of the most unusual and singular WWII stories I have ever read. It tells the story of Horace Greasley who spent nearly five years in captivity at various German POW camps in conditions ranging from the barely adequate through the appalling to the frankly inhuman. Now I am not going to talk about the story because it doesn't deserve to be spoilt in any way. What I will say is that the writing is at times, visceral and frankly very uncomfortable to read as he describes the conditions he and his colleagues were faced with. Believe me, he spares no details. What he also does not spare any details about is his sexual prowess which he clearly considered to be amazing and central to his whole psyche. At times it reads like an over heated Victorian novella and in most cases it is completely unnecessary to go in to so much detail. For this reason you should not leave it anywhere near an easily offended maiden aunt! All that being said, if you can cope with the level of detail in both cases it is a fascinating, worthwhile and inspiring read.