A review by skillyillian
The September House by Carissa Orlando

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
Katherine (Catherine? Idk, it was an audiobook) is the must insufferable bitch I have ever met in a book literally ever, she's a spoiled rotten brat and the main character and her husband must have been absolutely shite parents to let their daughter turn out this way. I actually do like the main character and the humor in this book is actually not bad but oh my god if I have to listen to that lunatic berate strangers with a photo of her missing dad for one more minute I'm going to lose my mind. I finally found someone who swears too much for my taste, which I never ever thought would happen. But Katherine is just too much, in every sense of the word. It's a wonder Claire stayed with her for more than three minutes. It's a wonder Katherine isn't banned from every building she's ever set foot in. And it's an absolute miracle she's not locked up with multiple felony charges under her belt. I want to finish this book but I can't stand Katherine anymore. I just can't. She bullies everyone she meets and her mom just sits there and lets it happen the entire time. Absolutely no backbone. I'm sorry but I genuinely hate katherine. I know she's not meant to be likable but somebody needs to just smack her or something. She's a fucking menace

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