A review by brimelick
Broken Throne by Victoria Aveyard


Victoria Aveyard has created a world that I want to visit as soon as possible. At the end of War Storm, I had many questions and wanted more. Broken Throne is a collection of short stories with sections of journals that tell the story of the Continent and specifics about the kingdoms and politics. So I'll talk about them separately.

The Journal Entries: Julian Jacos has dedicated so much of his life to researching the history of their world and how it got to the present. He also writes about politics, geography, and the Silver families and royals. During these journal entries, we realize that he is putting this book together for Tiberius Calore, Cal for short, who is supposed to become the next king.

Queen Song: This story focuses on the back story of Coriane Jacos, who ends up marrying the Prince of Norta and becomes the mother of Tiberias Calore. She is a silver of low rank, and no one expected much from her family. The Prince did away with the traditional challenge that would typically be Silver women vying for his hand in favor of marrying Coriane. This angered another Silver woman, Elara, and she began tormenting Coriane to the point of her death. This brought such a rich view of her story as she is mentioned many times, and people talk about her but not about her rise and fall.

Steel Scars: This story focuses on Diana Farley before the beginning of the Red Queen event. It focuses on two of her missions for the Scarlet Guard and gives a great view into the relationship (or lack thereof?) that Diana has with her father, a high-ranking general in the Scarlet Guard. Again, this gives a great view into her character and why she is what she is during Red Queen. We also get to see the beginnings of Diana and Shade's relationship and the beginning of the Newbloods.

World Behind: A Story of Ashe, a red-blooded captain, and Lyrisa, a silver-blooded, high-ranking woman on the run from the rebellion and a forced marriage. This was an unexpected story for me, but it added so much more information to the readers as to what the rest of the countries are doing during the series' events. It also showed that Reds and Silvers can work together in ways other than just a revolution.

Iron Heart: A story focusing on Evangeline and Elane and what is going on in their lives after the events of War Storm. Evangeline has always been such a strong character, but we learn what is going on in her mind regarding trauma from the war. It focuses on Evangeline and her brother Ptolemy abdicating from their thrones to help Tiberius Calore and their alliance restore the country. This is the first short story that begins to feel like a sequel to the series rather than a prequel.

Fire Light: THE STORY I WAS WAITING FOR. Mare and Tiberius (Cal) finally reunite, and of course, Kilorn also comes back into the light. Like anyone else in her position, Mare needed a break from everything after the events of War Storm. This story picks up two months after War Storm when Mare is finally making her way back into the fray, and as such, she is going back to Cal on her terms. I would call this story the happier one. Families are back together, frenemie relationships are back, and we are starting to see the world come back together.

Altogether, I loved the book and only rated it 4 stars rather than 5. The main reason: I need more Ashe and Lyrisa, I need more Diana and Shade, I need more Evangaline and Elane, and DEAR GOD, I NEED MORE MARE AND CAL. Thanks for reading this all, y'all are great.