A review by bookishhill
Barbarian's Touch by Ruby Dixon


4/5 ⭐️s

OKAYYYYY! I really thought this series was losing steam, but this one pulled me right back in!

Lila and her sister are breathing new life into these books, and I’m loving it. Lila is hearing impaired, and I really loved how Ruby writes it - there’s so much respect there and eagerness to learn from everyone else. They don’t expect Lila to communicate like them; they’re happy to learn how to communicate in a way she understands. PERFECTION.

I also thoroughly enjoyed Rokan. Obviously, these blue boys are all super respectful anyways, but the thought and care Rokan takes to make Lila feel comfortable just melted me. I adore him!

My only real issue with this book was the lack of conflict towards the end. I guess I expected something more to happen with Lila’s stalker (hey there, Yeti) or something. Her sister, Maddie, was also extremely obnoxious and unbearable. I’m not overly eager to read her book, but in Ruby we trust, so onwards and upwards!

Spice: 1.5/5