A review by jen286
The Thin Place by C.D. Major


It took me a while to read this one, but I am glad I did. When I first picked it up a few months ago I wasn't in the right mood for it so I put it aside to try again later. Well later finally came and it drew me right in and I really enjoyed this story. I loved the atmosphere, the creepy older house and the mystery surrounding it and the bridge and the area.

Ava is a journalist. She is also pregnant and wants to know more about her mom's past. Her mom never speaks of it, she refuses, and that is just not okay with Ava. She is going to be a mom now so she deserves to know everything. Okay, Ava could be annoying and super entitled at times, but I still enjoyed this read. Like her mom doesn't owe Ava her past. She would tell Ava anything that would be pertinent medical history-wise, but just because you want to know the details of what is obviously not a good time in your mom's life doesn't mean you are entitled to them. She was this way with everyone. She wanted to know more info about something and would pretty much demand people tell her which...you can want to know and if people want to share great, but they don't owe you anything.

Now because Ava is determined to find all of her mom's dark secrets she remembers once they went to this nearby town so she starts looking. She finds Overtoun Estate and this bridge where dogs are said to have killed themselves on. Everything will be fine and then suddenly dogs just jump over the side and it doesn't end well for them. One of the crazy things is the author said this actually exists! There is such a bridge and no one knows why they do it. There are theories, but no definite answers. Ava swiftly becomes obsessed and has to find out what is going on there. The house feels off. There is something there, she just knows it. The locals believe it could be a thin place - where the barrier between the living and the dead is very thin. She is so obsessed she pretty much doesn't think at all about anything else. Not about her baby that is coming, not about her family, nothing. She definitely is determined once she sets her mind to something.

This story is also told from the point of view of two people in the past. The first, Marion, moves to Overtoun House when she is newly married and tells of what happens to her there. The other, Constance, is a young girl who lives in the house. I loved the way all three stories were woven together and how you find out what is actually happening. It was such a fun read and as I said above I loved the atmosphere and how creepy it all could be. How you really felt like the house, the bridge, the past was a presence the characters had to deal with. How they were like a living thing. I really enjoyed this one and I am glad I picked it up when I was more in the mood for this story.

Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for a copy of this book