A review by anne_mercier
Wherever You Will Go by Stephanie Smith


Sometimes you come across a book that touches you so deeply you're still thinking about it long after you've reached "The End." For me, Wherever You Will Go is that story. It's beautiful and touching and scary and I loved every single word. I was bawling within the first five minutes of reading this book and I was bawling during the last five as well--but for completely different reasons. The precision in which this story was told was flawless. I haven't been touched so much by a hero in quite some time. Saxon is amazing--everything he thinks he's not. I just love, love, love this book. The myriad of emotions from one chapter to the next is exactly how I'd be feeling if I were in Brooke's shoes. I can't imagine anything worse than what she's gone through. But she and Saxon--they are perfect for one another. They know what the other needs without a word having to be said.

Stephanie Smith is a truly amazing author with genuine talent. She can pull you into the story and keep you there long after she's done weaving the tale. She's made my auto-buy list and Saxon's made my book boyfriend list.

Five out of Five amazing freaking stars for this book. Fantastic.