A review by bookishhill
The Unblocked Collection by Marni Mann


4.5/5 ⭐️s

I loved this so much. I haven’t read many serials before, and it did take a little bit to get used to the episode cliffhangers and recaps. But the story was exactly my cup of tea! With Derek’s revenge plans, Frankie’s overbearing ex, and quirky side characters devoted to our MCs, this honestly read like a spicy spicy SPICY k-drama (a compliment because I’m genuinely addicted to them).

Frankie and Derek’s relationship progressed so wonderfully throughout the book too. I enjoyed that Frankie was submissive (something Derek wanted) without being a pushover. And anytime she turned the tables and insisted on her way, you could just feel Derek falling a little deeper for her.

Marni Mann’s become a must-read romance author for me, and this definitely lived up to that!

Spice: 4.5/5