A review by hessionsreadingworld
A Vow - A Collection of Love Poems by Aurélien Thomas, Ayo Gutierrez


Has a guy ever written you a poem to show you he cares about you? How about an entire book of poems? That is exactly what A Vow: A Collection of Love Poems is- a book of love poems written by Aurelien Thomas about his wife, Amina. Mr. Thomas is a French poet who now resides in England.

A Vow is Thomas' creative expression of love for his wife. This is a short collection, just over 25 poems. The collection is focused entirely on love, but also explores the definitions of what marital love can encompass. In addition to the love theme, Thomas also has an ocean motif. In several of his poems, Thomas compares love to waves and tides, specifically the ebb and flow. Personally, I usually use the analogy of seasons, but the analogy of the ocean waves, and tides, and ships colliding definitely works to describe marital love.

My favorite poem from this collection of works is "An Embrace." This is the first time, to my knowledge that this poem was published. The poem opens and I immediately conjure the image of two people, floating languidly in water, The poem utilizes the ABAB rhyme scheme and is a sensual, yet PG description of a man making love to a woman. The rhyme pattern takes the reader through the ebb and flow of the encounter, and brings the reader to the crescendo by the end. The poem definitely has the power to invoke feeling in the reader.

My only critique of this book is that it is too short! I would like to read more of Aurelien Thomas' work, specifically work focused on other themes.

I would recommend this collection of poems to anyone who enjoys reading poetry or enjoys reading about love.

Happy Reading!


PopSugar 2020, Summer Challenge: A book classified as a beach read.
