A review by blairconrad
Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan


Another winner of a YA book, although perhaps not as much for the younger YA reader as [b:Among Others|8706185|Among Others|Jo Walton|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51H3gJdaqsL._SL75_.jpg|6449955]. The beginning is a little hard going, with a somewhat whimsical but naughty prologue followed by a difficult introduction - Liga has a rather difficult time of things. Later on, there are some sexual scenes and dialogue.

The story is very good, though. Lanagan has built a world that has rich and real-feeling. The characters are varied and interesting, and mostly sympathetic, at least where they're supposed to be. The magic feels like something that could be real - a living thing with its own rules, not just a construct to fulfill the characters' desires.
The language was interesting and lyrical, with characters engaging in dialect and idiom.
Although I've read complaints about the pacing, I found the plot proceeded well, and just carried me along. Read it.