A review by pagesplotsandpints
An Academy for Liars by Alexis Henderson


<b>Read Completed 9/20/24 |</b> 3.5 stars, but rounded down for overall feeling
AN ACADEMY FOR LIARS had all of the bones that I wanted, but it just never really swept me off my feet. I was wondering how a dark academia adult fantasy wasn't the most buzzworthy book this fall, honestly! It was well-written, keeping the book unique amongst other similar concepts of a magical school, and it had a great cast of characters. And yet, it just won't be wholly memorable for me. 

Set in Savannah, GA, this mysterious school takes in students to learn the art of Persuasion. This is a magic school but with one very singular focus where students essentially learn to control the minds of others. Other magic is slowly introduced, but only a few gifted people possess the power to do more. I liked that this was a different take on a magic school! It was a different kind of magic where we're not thrown into all different things and it kept this book more unique, keeping it apart from several other magic schools out there. 

I enjoyed the plot and liked the multiple elements that we explore: the structure and happenings at the school, Lennon's own past as well as family life/friendships, a potential romance, and of course, a larger plot line that unfolds as we go along. I also did like the characters, but I think that's where I just couldn't end up LOVING this book. I really liked them all. I liked Lennon and Dante, the secondary characters, the mysterious teachers and staff. But I just never loved them. I just didn't feel that spark the way I had hoped. I wanted Lennon to be a bit stronger of a personality? She left this terrible relationship where she barely felt like a person and she found out she has this whole magical ability. I wanted to really see her come into her own, but I feel like she just kind of immediately fell into another relationship that was one-sided, and of course, it's her advisor... It was a little weird to me. It was like her power was constantly in someone's hands and I just wanted to see a little bit more independence from her. I wanted a little more development of their friendships to give us more personality of basically everyone. The characters were good, but they were still characters. They didn't come to life off the page and make me feel like I was reading about real people. 

I'm glad I read this and it was an enjoyable read. Some of the pacing and action was a bit choppy, but overall, a solid book.