A review by read_withrobyn
A Place Without You by Jewel E. Ann


2.5 stars

I struggled with the insta-love of this book. I think that in addition to Henna's age created a very immature and unrealistic component to their relationship.

I really struggled with Henna and her personality. She definitely had moments of immaturity that left me rolling my eyes. However, I do think her carefree and (for lack of a better phrase) "I don't give a sh*t" personalty is exactly what Bodhi needed.

I struggled with Bodhi also, although not as much as Henna. The degree to which he punished himself and deprived himself in his life was a bit overdone. Especially in regards to the "limitations" it gave him in his relationship with Henna.

That ending......how is it that HENNA is the one that's working through emotions and the one at the forefront is anger?!! Shouldn't that have been Bodhi?! There's no way a few months of traveling allowed him to process ALL of his emotions and return to her like she didn't do what she did.

I did enjoy elements of this story. I really loved Barrett