A review by goldfishlaser
Who Rules the World? by Noam Chomsky


I think that this book is for those that have read Chomsky before. Although heavily sourced, his writing is very polemical, which could turn off a reader who is not familiar with how he does his scholarly work. His research strategy seems to be more clearly outlined in Manufacturing Consent. This is more essay-like in comparison.
I read Manufacturing Consent recently, and it left a pretty big impact on me, but I found that maybe I read it a little too fast and was having trouble recalling the details in conversation. This text recalled many of the same events- this time I took notes. This book being written more recently, also addressed events that took place with the Clinton, Bush Jr, and Obama administrations.
The notes and references are also a treasure trove of information.
If a person is ready for this book, and is interested in peace, I think it can be one of the most important books they read. Many people in US, Britain, and France, are in denial or ignorance of the dark aspects of their international policies in the past decades. This book is a crash course in that.