A review by wingedcreature
Of Two Minds by Perry Nodelman, Carol Matas


It was a pretty quick read, and it took me about an hour or so. I haven’t read it since 6th grade, so I was long overdue for a re-read.

There were a few things that were interesting. One, Hevak was trying to create a perfect world with no misfits. I honestly have no idea if this was the authors intent (since the book is aimed at kids), but it did remind of me of Hitler. Two, it turned out that Hevak was Lenora’s imagination! Throughout the book (but mostly at the beginning), it was obvious that Lenora didn’t like the fact that no one used their ability, and all lived in the same boring world. Hevak definitely was there to show Lenora what can happen when you mess with the balance of things.

On a scale of 1 to 5, I’d give it a 3. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t terrible either. Just average.