A review by the_afterword
Never Saw You Coming by Erin Hahn


Erin Hahn quickly became one of my fav YA authors after I devoured MORE THAN MAYBE last year. She knows how to write about teenage angsty love and if you’re a YA love story fan, she’s your author. So when she announced a "spin-off" to one of my fav novels, I knew I had to get my hands on it.

**Vulnerable/Real Life Review

Wow. It has taken me a long time to put my words to the page. Let me start off with saying I am a Christian. My dad is a Pastor & has been basically my entire life. I, too, am an ordained Pastor & currently serve in ministry.

In this story, Erin reveals a deep-seeded issue within Christianity which is (unfortunately) sometimes “the church” isn’t what God meant it to be.

The biggest heart breaks in my life weren’t from boys or friends or family; they were from people who claimed Christianity then went against everything Christ stands for.

I connected so much with Meg feeling the pressure to live a modest lifestyle and always having to “keep up appearances” (thank God we’ve since been delivered from that bondage, Meg included)

And Micah. My heart. Being a Pastor’s kid can be such a tough job. Erin so beautifully portrayed how when “the church” can hurt you, it’s just that. People. People hurt you. Not God. He’s got you through it all.

I know reading isn’t always about connecting with characters but I think to fully appreciate this book, you have to. You have to be able to relate to digest the brilliant writing & storytelling from Erin.

Now please know my heart. I am not saying "the church" is horrible. I am not coming at anyone or judging anyone. We all have our own journey through life & I’m just sharing my own personal past.

Thank you Wednesday Books & Erin Hahn for this #giftedbook