A review by readsofgosia
Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange


As soon as I saw the new Tommy Orange book coming out, I ran like crazy to the Netgalley to request an ARC. One thing I did not expect: it would take days upon days to finish it, despite not being bulky. It was an emotionally heavy read. The author dedicated this book to all victims of addiction. Hence, each character struggles one way or another with that demon. We get to know those characters intimately, but the author doesn't try to explain the reasoning behind the choices. Those characters come across as organic as any human being would. There is no good study of oneself that would provide an answer to that question. Yet, by making it the main subject of the book, as readers, we get to empathize and understand more.

Tommy Orange has an amazing ability to exercise our compassion muscle with amazing writing, almost poetic at times, but so intentionally chosen within each paragraph that it was a lit study for me, not entertainment. Which, I mean as a compliment to his art. Also, the big topic of this book was generational trauma within the Native American community. Here, we find out about the ancestry of Orvil, the main character in "There, there". By choosing different types of narration for each character, they will stay with me for a long time. I was able to distinguish them, but the author didn't do it for the reader. It seems he chose it to give justice to the voice of his characters, who could easily exist in real life.

The second part of the book deals with events post "There, there" and it was the most difficult for me to get through. Orvil and his brothers and grandmas create such a heartwarming family unit. Yet at the same time, we have to remember: "Everything that happens to a tribe happens to everyone in the tribe". And the addition of one becomes a struggle for the whole family. What I appreciate the most in the writing, is how this whole phrase perfectly describes also generations that came before the main character and how their suffering radiates towards him directly and indirectly.

Let me finish with the following: "To endure or pass through endurance test after endurance test only ever gave you endurance test passing abilities". Each and one of a chapter was a presentation of the test, and another and another. For that, this book is unique, amazing, and worth every minute I spend reading.

This is where I leave off because I will be praising this book for eternity.