A review by brandonm0829
Mister Magic by Kiersten White


"When I was a child, I Spoke as a child, I understood like a Child, I Thought as a Child, When I became a man I put away childish things" -1st Corinthians 13:11

There is so much to unpack with this book, for my money This is a book that Should on be reading requirement lists for Child Psychology courses.
Because in my opinion, Mister Magic really excels bridging the discussion gap between Childhood and Adult memories of Childhood.
Our leads, besides one, has some recollection on being on a children's program entitled MISTER MAGIC that ended ITS run 30 years ago after a supposed death forced the show to end abruptly.
Now a reunion brings the remaining children back to discuss their time on the series, however something more Sinister is at play as the interviews get more and more intense resulting in pretty abstract climax. Once again after HIDE Kiersten White crafted an idea that feels familiar, But turned it once again into a Bonkers and memorable ride.