A review by eantoinette285
Of Winged Creatures & Nesting Grounds by A. Wilding Wells


I just.... have no words. I adored every millisecond of this book! I've been waiting for this one for awhile, so I'm thankful that I was able to get an ARC in my paws. If I wasn't working or sleeping, I was devouring this book.

A. Wilding Wells knows how to write a quirky and colorful book of beauty while also incorporating a fair amount of angst and tragedy to build the characters. What I appreciate most from her is that she puts a spin on things by making the man the one who jumps into the relationship full-swing. Yes, they normally prowl around and get all alpha in their pursuits, but there's something incredibly romantic about her guys, and Doctor Hunt Hardick is no exception.

He calls her schmoop, needless to say, I can't even handle it.

Happy Go Lucky is not exactly happy-go-lucky. Her poor soul is lost and in need of repairs. Hunt has just had his heart broken, but remains the eternal optimist. He's strong and confident while she's like a deer in headlights, so their dynamic is quite a cat and mouse game... with TONS of tension.

I could not get enough of this sad but sweet story, or of Wells's characters! I'm sad to see this pair go, but I also anxiously anticipate what she'll give us next!