A review by eyreibreathe
Just the Nicest Couple by Mary Kubica


I know you can all relate to that dreaded bookish letdown - when you get your hopes way up for a much-anticipated release, you clear your schedule, you prepare your copious amounts of coffee, and then... the book just kind of falls flat for you. ⁣

Sadly, this was my experience with Just the Nicest Couple. After Kubica's previous release, Local Woman Missing, ended up being one of my favorite thrillers of the year, I added this new release to my TBR months before it hit the shelves.  I thought it started off strong, that first chapter or two pulling me right in. But I struggled with the short and simple sentences and the pacing. Things did pick up toward the end, and a couple twists popped up...both which took me by surprise, but one that I found just a little too far-fetched.  ⁣

All this sounds so negative, and I always struggle when writing reviews like this because I can't begin to imagine all the time and work a writer puts into creating a book.  So with all this being said, please know that I'm still a Kubica fan, and I'll still be waiting on pins and needles for her next release. This one just didn't work for me. ⁣