A review by maraya21
The Play Mate by Kendall Ryan


There comes a time where words just don't cut it. They don't necessary fail you, but the effort to produce them for something - whatever that something is - is simply not worth the effort, not even the teeny tiniest amount of it.

However, a picture can step into the vacancy with extra guts & glory on the side. You know the saying: 1 picture is worth a 1000 words. These thousand words don't necessarily have to be positive, or neutral for that matter.

Henceforth, I will simply just supply a picture or three to convey to you all a couple thousand negative words without me having to exert myself any more than I already did reading the various "somethings".

~~ *This passage will be on repeat every time, so if you read it once scroll down for the magic moving pictures.* ~~

So here you have it, two thousand words of absolute negativity: