A review by nikkisbooknook
Kilty Conscience by Amy Vansant


Catriona & Broch are back! Broch is settling into his new modern life, especially hot showers! When he and Cat get embroiled in the search for an actors young son, he begins to have strange dreams where he is running after a woman who looks like Cat but seems to be called Fiona. Now troubled by flashbacks to his previous life, he is fearful that his pursuit of Cat may need to be halted due to his feeling that this other woman meant something to him - he may even be married!

Cat is also in for a bit of a shock when she learns that she was a bit of a time jumper herself, when she was a child! Lots of fun and frolics mixed in with a good suspenseful story. Fiona is not all that she appears and there are lots more family reveals for Cat to deal with!