A review by kjanie
Ignite Me by Tahereh Mafi


5/5 stars

RE-READ: April 2018

"This isn't about Adam or Warner. This is about me and what I want."

I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT. I LOVE IT! Man, this series just blows me away every time, especially this book. I've come to love these characters so much, I feel like I've adopted myself into their little family, even if they don't know about it. I just think this book was absolutely perfect for the series, in further developing the characters and enhancing the world. Plus the romance, wow, the romance. I've read my fair share of romance books, but nothing can top the romance in here for me. There is one chapter in particular that I'm talking about, and if you've read the book then it's guaranteed that you know what I'm referring to. It just took my breath away.

Even thought this is my fourth read, Juliette's development and strength inspires me every time. Also, I feel like I appreciated Warner more this time around. Don't get me wrong, he is probably my favourite male love interest, so I appreciate him every time, but I connected to him more during this read. I just feel so much empathy for him, he is a pained, complex, passionate and wonderfully written character. I'm hoping that he is further developed in the books to come, just so I can fall in love with him more!

“I can do anything I want. Be with anyone I want. And it'll be my choice.”

February 2016:
Okay, I'm going to start off with saying that I've read this book three times. I loved it the first time, I adored it the second time and I am absolutely inspired and moved the third time. That's why I just had to right a review, I feel so passionately for this book that I just have to share the love. This is my favourite book in the three book series Shatter Me. This book showed so much hope and passion that I feel like my heart is going to explode...seriously. Don't get me wrong, Shatter Me and Unravel Me were magnificent as well but I think this book was just the perfect ending for the series.

“Come back to life, love. I'll be here when you wake up.”

In Shatter Me, Julliette is so broken that it just took my heart away. She was so emotional, sad and pretty much defeated; even when she met Adam. In Unravel Me Julliette was trying to find herself and you could see her progress but she was still so emotionally damaged. In this book, Julliette isn't exactly 'fixed' but she definitely has accepted herself and she is fighting for justice and redemption. I will repeat: I LOVE THIS BOOK!

The Romance: The romance scenes in this book are actually breathtaking. The chemistry between the characters (no spoilers!!) is so beautiful that I think I have to say that's they are my ultimate favourite couple. I loved both Warner and Adam but in this book I definitely felt much more towards Warner. Warner was such a misunderstood character in the first books and in this one you just start to learn the reasons behind all his actions. I also think that Warner brought the best out of Julliette and they seemed to understand and accept each other. As I said before, Julliette found herself and accepted herself in this book and I believe some of that is because of Warner.

“It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.”

The Writing: I have to admit something, I skim read a lot. I don't mean to but I get so rushed and I know it's a bad habit, but I do it and I can't help it. When I read this book though, I did not skim read AT ALL. Tahereh Mafi is so poetic and her words are so beautiful that I was drawn to them and mesmerised by her writing. I loved her use of metaphors, they seemed to draw even more emotion into her writing. Her style is so unique and I honestly can't say I've read anything like it. The pace of the book was also very good. There was just enough action, twists and surprises to keep you entertained but there wasn't so much that it was unbelievable.

The Ending: The ending was probably my least favourite part of the book. This isn't because it is bad or anything but I just felt that it ended abruptly, although I have a feeling that this was on purpose. Ok, I lied. I loved the ending. It had no cliff-hanger, it wasn't sad and it didn't make me want to throw the book. When I think over the ending I realise that it may be abrupt and there may be unanswered questions but I understand why the author did this and I respect her for it. It wasn't cheesy and unrealistically happy but it warmed my heart and gave me hope for the characters. It gave me just enough happiness and answers to control the raging beast inside me called curiosity, and I guess that's enough to satisfy me.

Recommendation: I think this is pretty obvious by now but I LOVE THIS BOOK. I feel silly recommending this book to anyone since it's the last in a series so instead I'll recommend the whole series. READ THIS SERIES!

“Ignite, my love. Ignite.”