A review by caitycatreads
Her Sweet Orc by Meg Rhodes


Ada + Ulgannnnn

These precious babies. I LOVE them. I would fight for them.
This book! It's got all the good fall cute small-town vibes! I was kicking my feet and giggling the whole book. I'd love to live in this world and get to go to the fall festival and the Dumb Supper! Ah like this town and all the people were so awesome. There was just so much to love in this book.
Ada and Ulgans story was so sweet, I like that they took their time (but not too much time!) they were so smitten it was cute. Allll the consent, it was so good. We love good consent and lots of spice! And Ulgan was so good at being all sexy and protective but also not making Ada seem like shes weak and unable to protect herself? I really like that it felt like he was protective but also supportive.
One big thing I appreciated so much was Ulgans anxiety and how he spoke positively of his experience In therapy. It was just a nice touch to the book, but it made me happy to see the mental health rep; it was validating! And, like really well done because I feel like it wasn't just popped in and then never mentioned, like the mental health struggles for both characters is there throughout the book but its also them not using it as excuses but being aware of their fears/anxieties and just, kudos to Meg because she wrote it so so well.
And Ada with her fears that its too good, ahh she was too sweet, it broke my heart when she was fearful that Ulgan was a cruel joke killed me. But seeing them happy at the end? Dreamy. Just perfect.
Ok, I could go on about how much I loved this book, but I'll just say it is amazing and a must-read.

Also I hope Theo falls in love with a clutter loving messy girl ♥