A review by kimabill
The Snowman by Jo Nesbø


A book suggestion from NPR. This was a great thriller/crime novel that reminded me a lot of Silence of the Lambs. It was well-plotted and very riveting. Lots of plot twists. Sure, it had your standard crime novel cliches - a seasoned detective who struggles with alcohol, an attractive young partner, a Jack Bauer-like ability to continue fighting crime after sustaining life-threatening injuries, etc. Also, there was one confrontation scene involving a fishing rod that was so ludicrous, I actually laughed out loud. But I could forgive all this because I was totally wrapped up in the tension of the story, and sometimes it is just fun to get lost in the story. Side note: This book is apparently the 7th in a series about Detective Harry Hole. I have not read any of the other ones, but I did not have any trouble following what was going on.