The boat that sinks from the barnacles you see on every pirate film and every boating outing. Credit where it is due it was an enjoyable read and I may be being harsher in its final total than necessary.. Flesh-eating body invasive barnacles that grow on the side of a rickety ship in a matter of hours to the point of spilling into the boat, a freshly released convict, his brother, father, best friend, and sea captain are left to the seas mercy in this bottomless tomb radiating large breathing bubbles and monsters. It’s a short story at only 99 pages on a Kindle, however, the dream sequence was cliché and incredibly stale compared to the real drama I think could have been explored. The sea captain dies “off-screen” and the father disappears without a scream. The best death was by far the best friend, you could feel the anguish of the situation as teeth bit into and stuck to flesh. The ending too was okay, harmless, but I was left thinking so much more could have developed between characters - though I feel the premise will stick with me for a while.