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A review by surbhi_reads
A Court of Wings and Ruin by Sarah J. Maas
Idk I didn't enjoy this one as much this time around as I have in the past. It's been a couple of years that I reread this and it just felt chaotic and I was also bored a lot. Maybe its just my mood.
Re-read x 3
For some reason, my favorite part from this book is the high lords council meeting !!!
End of the year Re-read!
“Night Triumphant - and the Stars Eternal.
If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear.”
All the hype! All the craziness! Its real people and it is totally worth it. From the first book ACOTAR to this book, the series has become so much more than a loose re- telling of beauty and the beast. When I received a copy of this, a few days ago, I swear I decided to read and devour it as slowly as I can but damn to my self-control, once again I ended up reading it in two straight days. This book is captivating, detailed, stunning, and addictive. An extreme delight!!
“My goal was bigger than revenge. My purpose greater than personal retribution.”
The novel is divided into three parts. At the end of previous book ACOMAF, Feyre returns to the spring court, with the revenge in her heart to destroy it from within, in the first part of the novel, we see her doing precisely that. The other two parts of the novel, reveals the various dynamics between all the courts across Prythian as they try to set apart their differences and form an unlikely alliance to face a greater threat against Hybern, who is adamant on destroying everything that they hold dear.
It goes without saying that, SJM, is a prolific writer. Her description and attention to detail is no doubt her strongest point in writing a story and the same reflects on the plot, which is extensive, opulent, and so intriguing. Every character that she has written in this book, and there are a lot of them, they have been written with sheer honesty. Many new and old characters comes together in this novel and I really liked the subtle ways in which SJM has given them importance and space long enough for us reader to remember them for a long time.
“Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.”
Every character in the book especially our favourite from the night court, carries their own baggage and SJM has written all of their stories with great scrupulousness. These people are broken and recovering and all the shit thing are still happening to them but they stand resolute in their spirit, they know what needs to be done, what is the right thing to do and how much it will cost them but still they band together and fight for the people who cannot fight for themselves. And that I believe that is the greatest strength of all these characters.
“I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta. I will find you in the next world - the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
Rhys, Az, Cass, Mor and Amren where as usual a delight to read. They are a family in every sense. Nesta showed potential since the first novel and she really grew on me in this one. Oh my god! That scene when she covers Cassian and both of them goes down together had my eyes bawling out. Also, I have two new favourite high lords, Tarquin and Helion. Helion is Rhys’s Day equivalent I absolutely revelled in the scandalous revelation of he being the father of a certain favourite character. And mother above! That council meeting was one hell of a gem. So much tension and stress. Honestly! It couldn’t have gone any better than it did.
“I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have... the wait was worth it.”
Then there is Rhys and Feyre and its get so emotional and heart-warming, first the separation and then the ever looming war and uncertainty of whether or not they will make it to victory. It really does gets heavy and heart-rending and when Rhys died, Oh my god! He is my favourite, has been so since ACOTAR and I would not have enjoyed this series so much if it were not for him.
Here are some more random moments that I enjoyed reading in this book:
• Feyre slaughtering the prince and princess of Hybern
• The dynamic between Feyre and Lucien ( I am glad that they sort of made up in this novel)
• The bone carver, The weaver of the wood and the monster from the library
• Amren unleashing herself on the Hybern army( finally)
• Miriyam, Drakon and Jurian ( about time that they appeared and saved the day or sort of just
• The friendship between Mor and Viviane
• The last great war( I mean where do I even begin)
• Azriel beating the shit out of Eris (someone really need to teach Eris some manners.)
• Amren and Varian (drooling!)
• Tamlin’s be happy Feyre (I now officially have a love-hate relationship with Tamlin.)
• Death of the Suriel (can’t stop crying, why SJM why?)
• The end of Ianthe ( thank god!)
• Less sex more politics, warfare and bloodshed
• Ouroboros mirror ( seriously gave vibes of Mirror of erised, from the Harry Potter series)
• The arrival of queen Vassa, the firebird and Feyre’s father leading the human armada ( I so appreciated his attempt of redemption and for not being there for his daughters earlier even though, it was a bit of a stretch.)
• The ultimate lesson of strength in unity.
"I understood why the Suriel had come to help me, again and again. Not just for kindness...but because it was a dreamer."
As for drawback, I thought the first part with Feyre in the Spring court was very slow and the destruction that she was plotting was telling a lot rather than showing. It was not as impactful as I was hoping it to be. She was spy in a foreign court, and I guess it should have been more dangerous. In fact the only real action begins when she is almost about to flee the spring court and thereafter. The second thing I cannot ignore is the revelation of Mor’s sexuality. Kinda dropped out of nowhere! And the fact that she has been stringing Azriel for like 500 hundred years, its outright cruelty.
"The great joy and honour of my life has been to know you. To call you my family. And I am grateful - more than I can possibly say - that I was given this time with you all”
Over all though, the fact remains that this series has provided me with a wonderful escape. It may not be perfect but I cannot deny that I enjoyed reading this series profoundly. After all not everything can be judged on technicalities, somethings are just made for pure pleasure. And this series, this book is one of them, it’s fascinating, spellbinding and enthralling. SJM world building is marvellous and I have no doubt that she is one author, whose works I am going to enjoy for years to come.
Re-read x 3
For some reason, my favorite part from this book is the high lords council meeting !!!
End of the year Re-read!
“Night Triumphant - and the Stars Eternal.
If he was the sweet, terrifying darkness, I was the glittering light that only his shadows could make clear.”
All the hype! All the craziness! Its real people and it is totally worth it. From the first book ACOTAR to this book, the series has become so much more than a loose re- telling of beauty and the beast. When I received a copy of this, a few days ago, I swear I decided to read and devour it as slowly as I can but damn to my self-control, once again I ended up reading it in two straight days. This book is captivating, detailed, stunning, and addictive. An extreme delight!!
“My goal was bigger than revenge. My purpose greater than personal retribution.”
The novel is divided into three parts. At the end of previous book ACOMAF, Feyre returns to the spring court, with the revenge in her heart to destroy it from within, in the first part of the novel, we see her doing precisely that. The other two parts of the novel, reveals the various dynamics between all the courts across Prythian as they try to set apart their differences and form an unlikely alliance to face a greater threat against Hybern, who is adamant on destroying everything that they hold dear.
It goes without saying that, SJM, is a prolific writer. Her description and attention to detail is no doubt her strongest point in writing a story and the same reflects on the plot, which is extensive, opulent, and so intriguing. Every character that she has written in this book, and there are a lot of them, they have been written with sheer honesty. Many new and old characters comes together in this novel and I really liked the subtle ways in which SJM has given them importance and space long enough for us reader to remember them for a long time.
“Only you can decide what breaks you, Cursebreaker. Only you.”
Every character in the book especially our favourite from the night court, carries their own baggage and SJM has written all of their stories with great scrupulousness. These people are broken and recovering and all the shit thing are still happening to them but they stand resolute in their spirit, they know what needs to be done, what is the right thing to do and how much it will cost them but still they band together and fight for the people who cannot fight for themselves. And that I believe that is the greatest strength of all these characters.
“I have no regrets in my life, but this. That we did not have time. That I did not have time with you, Nesta. I will find you in the next world - the next life. And we will have that time. I promise.”
Rhys, Az, Cass, Mor and Amren where as usual a delight to read. They are a family in every sense. Nesta showed potential since the first novel and she really grew on me in this one. Oh my god! That scene when she covers Cassian and both of them goes down together had my eyes bawling out. Also, I have two new favourite high lords, Tarquin and Helion. Helion is Rhys’s Day equivalent I absolutely revelled in the scandalous revelation of he being the father of a certain favourite character. And mother above! That council meeting was one hell of a gem. So much tension and stress. Honestly! It couldn’t have gone any better than it did.
“I would have waited five hundred more years for you. A thousand years. And if this was all the time we were allowed to have... the wait was worth it.”
Then there is Rhys and Feyre and its get so emotional and heart-warming, first the separation and then the ever looming war and uncertainty of whether or not they will make it to victory. It really does gets heavy and heart-rending and when Rhys died, Oh my god! He is my favourite, has been so since ACOTAR and I would not have enjoyed this series so much if it were not for him.
Here are some more random moments that I enjoyed reading in this book:
• Feyre slaughtering the prince and princess of Hybern
• The dynamic between Feyre and Lucien ( I am glad that they sort of made up in this novel)
• The bone carver, The weaver of the wood and the monster from the library
• Amren unleashing herself on the Hybern army( finally)
• Miriyam, Drakon and Jurian ( about time that they appeared and saved the day or sort of just
• The friendship between Mor and Viviane
• The last great war( I mean where do I even begin)
• Azriel beating the shit out of Eris (someone really need to teach Eris some manners.)
• Amren and Varian (drooling!)
• Tamlin’s be happy Feyre (I now officially have a love-hate relationship with Tamlin.)
• Death of the Suriel (can’t stop crying, why SJM why?)
• The end of Ianthe ( thank god!)
• Less sex more politics, warfare and bloodshed
• Ouroboros mirror ( seriously gave vibes of Mirror of erised, from the Harry Potter series)
• The arrival of queen Vassa, the firebird and Feyre’s father leading the human armada ( I so appreciated his attempt of redemption and for not being there for his daughters earlier even though, it was a bit of a stretch.)
• The ultimate lesson of strength in unity.
"I understood why the Suriel had come to help me, again and again. Not just for kindness...but because it was a dreamer."
As for drawback, I thought the first part with Feyre in the Spring court was very slow and the destruction that she was plotting was telling a lot rather than showing. It was not as impactful as I was hoping it to be. She was spy in a foreign court, and I guess it should have been more dangerous. In fact the only real action begins when she is almost about to flee the spring court and thereafter. The second thing I cannot ignore is the revelation of Mor’s sexuality. Kinda dropped out of nowhere! And the fact that she has been stringing Azriel for like 500 hundred years, its outright cruelty.
"The great joy and honour of my life has been to know you. To call you my family. And I am grateful - more than I can possibly say - that I was given this time with you all”
Over all though, the fact remains that this series has provided me with a wonderful escape. It may not be perfect but I cannot deny that I enjoyed reading this series profoundly. After all not everything can be judged on technicalities, somethings are just made for pure pleasure. And this series, this book is one of them, it’s fascinating, spellbinding and enthralling. SJM world building is marvellous and I have no doubt that she is one author, whose works I am going to enjoy for years to come.