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A review by hsaraah
Wayfarer by Alexandra Bracken


I forced myself to finish this book.

Oh my god this bored to to death. The final of the first book was already underwhelming and i had very low hopes for this one.

This book is just very confusing. There were times when i was like "but what's the plot? what are they supposed to do?". Nothing is explained and secrets are just dropped upon us out of nowhere. Every plot twist has very low impact because there's no explanation, so everytime the plot takes an unexcpected turn you're just like "okay that's it then".

There's a thousand explanation of "what the fuck is the astrolabe and what does it do?" and they are all contradicting each other. At the end of this book, we don't even know what was all that for.

This book was so slow, there are so much useless shit going on
Spoiler like when Sophia and Nicolas go to Carthage and meet the Jacarandas??? What the fuck was that for?

We're in the dark most of the time and the downside of it is that you don't care about the characters anymore.

And also, something that enraged me, the introduction of new, under-developped characters:
Spoiler the Belladonna and the ancient one or shadow or whatever the fuck he is
They are IMPORTANT to the plot but they just appear out of nowhere like david Copperfield and confuse you even further.

The ending is (as I expected) very confusing, very underwhelming. Because you can't have THAT MANY loose threads in your story and expect to wrap everything up nicely in the end.
Spoiler that auction was just a shit show

The thing i loved the most about the first book is the characters. But here it's like they're just victims of the story, of the timelines, of other's actions. It's like everything that happened was supposed to happen, they didn't forge anything for their own, they just... enduring.